Optimizing logistics goods flows helps to reduce waste
How can we help you?
Logistics goods flows
A goods flow arises whenever products are moved from A to B. Generally speaking, the longer a goods flow is, the less inefficient and more cost-intensive it is. It is therefore wise to limit the amount of goods in your warehouse and to keep the transport running as quickly and smoothly as possible. If you are keen to make improvements in order to achieve considerable cost savings and improve your service level, enlist Groenewout’s expert help.
Goods flow baseline
When optimizing a logistics goods flow, the first step is to establish the baseline. We prepare an overview of all the day-to-day activities in your warehouse, including all the internal flows – not only the goods flows, but also the internal transport flows and the movement of people. We then analyze the logistics activities that are linked to those flows.
Warehousing process
Another important benefit of goods flow analysis is that it can support an optimal warehousing process, which encompasses sales forecasts, inventory management and production planning. How much insight do you have into these processes in your warehouse? At Groenewout, we believe that a structured and phased approach is crucial.
Groenewout provides insight and advice
At consulting firm Groenewout, we have extensive experience in analyzing goods flows in logistics processes and setting up improvement projects. We can provide guidance and support, from quick wins through to the optimization of entire logistics operations. Areas in which Groenewout can help include:
- Potential expansion of a distribution center;
- Optimal layout and (re)design of a distribution center;
- Identifying the optimal logistics process;
- Gaining insight into the potential savings of a new logistics concept;
- Decisions on insourcing or outsourcing of logistics activities;
- Projecting business cases (‘what if’ scenarios).
Just as with all of our advice, you receive a complete overview of pragmatic and ready-to-implement solutions. Moreover, we can support the practical implementation of our recommendations.
If you are keen to find out how Groenewout could help you optimize your logistics goods flows, feel free to contact our experts.
When optimizing a logistics goods flow, the first step is to establish the baseline. We prepare an overview of all the day-to-day activities in your warehouse, including all the internal flows – not only the goods flows, but also the internal transport flows and the movement of people. We then analyze the logistics activities that are linked to those flows.
Goods flow analysis can support an optimal warehousing process, which encompasses sales forecasts, inventory management and production planning. How much insight do you have into these processes in your warehouse?
Please feel free to contact our consultants. We’re here to help!
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Topics in materials management optimization
Plan of approach logistics optimization
After preparing an overview of your current operation, we then analyze the possibilities for redesigning the operational processes, such as simplification in line with Lean principles.
In addition to simplifying your business processes, it is also possible to optimize some processes through mechanization. Doing so can enable you to achieve considerable savings by reducing manual labor and other costs. Our consultants analyze your current business processes and present their findings in a document that outlines the starting points for a recommended mechanization project. We always factor in future developments and expectations with regard to new business (such as e-fulfillment), and new demands and prerequisites such as goods flows, product lines, order profiles, volumes, business models and consolidation of customer deliveries.
We subsequently present the details of a number of mechanization concepts (including their potential impact on existing and/or new buildings) and the reasoning behind our recommended solution (incl. Capex, Opex, FTE, m2 and ROI calculations). This is then supported by ‘what if’ analysis, risk analysis and an implementation/transition plan.