We are always thinking one step aheadConsulting, Engineering & Optimization in Logistics Networks
How can we help you?
Optimizing internal logistics
- Inbound of raw materials and packaging materials
- Dispensing to production and packaging lines
- Order pick/pack of FG for customers
- Storage of raw materials, intermediate products, packaging materials and finished goods.
The logistics department is having trouble to process the volumes in a timely manner and store all raw materials, packaging goods and finished products on site.
Groenewout has performed an on-site survey and a data analysis to detect the bottlenecks and determine required storage capacities.
We created an Ishikawa diagram and identified opportunities to improve the operation; suggesting changes to people/organization, processes, equipment and materials.
All improvement suggestions were ranked to their impact and their implementation efforts & risks.
List options to improve utilization of available storage racks and expand storage capacity.
- Clear suggestions on how to overcome the current issues / bottlenecks
- Focus on optimization/efficiency of processes
- Maximizing storage capacity and reduce the needs for external storage for overflow stock