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Quick scan depot – transport hub

January 31, 2022 5201 Views

Sanquin is responsible for safe and efficient blood supply in the Netherlands on a not-for-profit basis.


Due to a new rental agreement with an external party, space is becoming an issue in Sanquin’s current transport hub. Sanquin has asked Groenewout to perform a distribution strategy study and analyze the impact of relocating transport flows.


To define their new layout and distribution footprint several steps were taken:

  • Analyze current flows, processes and data
  • Set up several new scenarios including layout and costs
  • Advice on final layout and final hub structure


  • Analyzing their current (and future) flows and numbers already provided Sanquin a huge insight in their own operation and the impact of the nearby future.
  • Based on several scenarios (including costs) Sanquin had all information available to take the right decisions.
  • Sanquin had a specific layout for each scenario.
  • Sanquin had a specific overview of the qualitative and quantitative benefits of each scenario.