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Support realization of storage & processing capacity (warehouse)

September 23, 2019 6470 Views


The main warehouse of Kramp had to expand its capacities as a result of the supply chain redesign advised by Groenewout.


Kramp requested Groenewout’s support to design the expansion of the storage & processing capacity for small items in the warehouse in Varsseveld. Later Groenewout was asked to take the lead in the tender/procurement process as well.


A thorough data analyses by Groenewout helped to understand the complexity of the order profiles and processes, the optimal slotting of items in various locations types (small bin up to pallet) and the required sizing of the future operation (>60.000 lines per day).

Groenewout created the conceptual design including  CAPEX and OPEX implications for several solutions in the market. Balancing capacities, costs and lead time requirements a (roaming) shuttle system would be the best concept for Kramp. Groenewout took the lead in the procurement process for this solution. During implementation Groenewout coached the project team of Kramp until go-live.


The benefits are well described in an interview with Kramp halfway the project. The main elements are:

  • Flexibility to start out in the lead position and change to a support role during the implementation;
  • A good challenging partner for Kramp in the long run on Supply Chain and Logistics vision and project execution;
  • Data driven mindset and design methodology;
  • Experience with suppliers and project management.