We are always thinking one step aheadConsulting, Engineering & Optimization in Logistics Networks
How can we help you?
Support outsource process during selection & implementation
Compaq is one of the world’s largest supplier of personal computers. The European, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) Distribution Center was located in The Netherlands.
The review of its EMEA Supply Chain Management Strategy offered the opportunity for Compaq to offer to a third party to invest in the management and ownership of this world class supply chain facility. This opportunity also included the acquisition of the facility and the ongoing Supply Chain operation.
Groenewout became the logistics advisor and supported the outsourcing process in many ways including the following operations:
- Long list
- Request for Information
- Short list
- Request for Quotation
- Request for Advice
- Letter of Intent
- Due Diligence
- Negotiations
- Service Agreement.
- Groenewout was the main support for Compaq during this outsourcing process
- Advice was both on a strategic and operational level
- All aspects and every detail was reviewed from long list to service level agreements.