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Site layout and internal logistic capacities
Cargill is one of the largest agricultural companies in the world. In Deventer a chocolate factory is located.
Cargill Deventer has executed a study in 2015 for a new site layout (brownfield). Cargill Deventer has requested Groenewout to review this study from 2015 mainly on storage capacities, internal flows, the outside truck movements and outside truck parking possibilities.
To perform this review several steps were taken;
- Site visit in Deventer to discuss current and future flows and current and future (planned) layout;
- Collected and analyzed all relevant data and drawings regarding volumes and flows;
- Set up several outside layouts for discussion;
- Agreed on final outside layout and truck movements;
- Agreed on storage layout and detailed out needed equipment for tendering reasons;
- Set up final layout and capex for storage materials.
- Based on the different outside layouts Cargill had good insights in the best layout for truck movements and could adjust their building layout accordingly.
- Based on the storage materials analysis Cargill had a good insight in de final Capex and storage capacity.