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Quick scan

April 17, 2019 6492 Views

Avaya is a global leader in communication systems, applications and services. Avaya designs, builds, deploys and manages networks for enterprises.

Avaya has outsourced their logistics operation to Geologistics, which receives and ships Avaya products from all over the world to the EMEA area.
Avaya and Geologistics were looking to renew their contract. As a basis for these negotiations, Avaya needed to know where the operation could be improved.

A quick scan was performed to find possible points of improvement in all aspects of the business, such as IT, Material Handling Equipment and Communication. Where possible, the points of improvement were quantified in timing, potential savings and required investments.


  • The quick scan conducted in five days identified potential savings of up to 15% of the total operational costs
  • The outcome supplemented and confirmed parts of the plans both parties had already been working towards
  • The quick scan made it possible for Avaya to prioritize activities, starting with the quick wins.