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Project Management & Engineering Support

April 06, 2016 8401 Views


CEVA is one of the world’s leading LSP’s, in freight forwarding, contract logistics, transportation management and distribution management. A non-listed company. CEVA employ more than 51,000 people and run a global network with facilities in more than 170 countries. The combined revenues in fiscal year 2011 were €6.9 billion

At the end of the lease period of their Maastricht multi client warehouse CEVA decided to move to a new state of the art warehouse in Born. CEVA requested project management and engineering support for this project.


Project management:

  • A project plan was made including deliverables, MS project schedule and project budget overall and for and with the workstreams.
  • The project execution was managed through Progress reporting on schedule and budget.
  • Temporary (IT) solutions were set in place to allow for implementing a new client before the move was started.


  • To be processes were designed and documented and implemented in the new IT systems.
  • The lay-out design was detailed out.
  • Move planning process was set-up and managed


  • Seamless start-up in the new facility, no interruptions in the services to the clients.
  • Facility handover from landlord to CEVA properly and formally documented.
  • Flexible lay-out design to support now and future multi client requirements.
  • Upgrade to new WMS.