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New central-replenishment-warehouse

April 06, 2016 7431 Views

Description New central-replenishment-warehouse v.s. expanding current local stock pointsmegavalves
MegaValves International is a group of wholesalers of components for fluid transport systems. Typical products are valves, hoses, pumps, tanks, flanges, pressure meters and sprinklers.

Almost all the warehouses were exceeding their storage capacity while an ambitious growth path was being realized. The question was whether to expand or relocate each of them or implement a new model with a central warehouse to avoid those local changes.

Groenewout made all goods flows transparent, analyzed the impact on investments and operating costs of multiple option and evaluated / recommended to implement a central bulk warehouse for a limited assortment. We also included advise on the organizational- and IT changes.
Groenewout is involved in realizing these changes.


  • Facts & Figures based advice
  • Pragmatic project approach & execution
  • Strategic advice on developing the new Supply Chain Operating Model
  • Share best-practices on organization & IT