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Logistic Masterplan

February 06, 2020 6311 Views



Give Room to Nature

Elho is a Dutch family owned business located in Tilburg. For more than 55 years elho designs, produces and sells synthetic pottery. Elho wants to bring nature into people’s daily lives with sustainable pots and smart solutions that make both consumers and nature happy.



  • The primary goal of this project was to determine how to optimally utilize the available adjacent land plot for expansion needs along with a reduction in (3PL) costs.
  • Several operational processes could be improved.
  • Distribution network opportunities have been reviewed to determine whether elho would benefit from a stronger European presence with additional DCs in one or more European countries.



  • A thorough data analysis has been conducted to map all the product flows, including flows between suppliers, 3PLs and customers.
  • A comparison of several logistic concepts on both qualitative and quantitative aspects that fits best with elho’s operational business needs.
  • A distribution network model has been constructed. Consequently, several network scenarios have been simulated and evaluated to determine the benefits of opening additional DCs in Europe.



  • Optimal logistic concept is determined.
  • Detailed analysis of internal product flows and processes led to both process improvement opportunities as well as potential cost reductions.
  • A trade-off has been made between various parking solutions (ground, garage) and the consequences for the logistic building.
  • Insights regarding potential new DCs in Europe have been obtained in terms of service & cost aspects.