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Access tool
UnityMedia Kabel BW (UMKBW) is part of Liberty Global. Liberty Global services 11 million customers in 6 European countries a.o. the customer brands Virgin Media, Telenet and UPC. In Germany UMKBW delivers converged video, broadband and communication services.
To be able to deliver the services a network is required including the network equipment like routers, switches and other equipment. This equipment is returned and refurbished at the end of the contract period or when broken. These RMA and refurbish flows are managed by an Excel file. UMKBW wants to upgrade this to a multi user tool as an intermediate solution until the functionality will be included in the ERP system.
It was decided to upgrade the Excel tool to an Access platform to allow for multi user access. The following steps have been followed:
- Explanation of the current Excel tool. Determine the functionalities that have to be included in the Access tool including process improvements.
- Build and demonstrate the beta version of the Access tool.
- Test and improve the tool, after which the tool went live.
- Operational multi user tool.
- Short term process improvements implemented prior to integration with the ERP system.
- Improved insight and overview of the applicable RMA and refurbishment processes.