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  • Nederlands

E-commerce within your warehouse

April 15, 2014 8463 Views


On April 15th, the yearly WMS-event was organized in ‘s- Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands. Groenewout provided insight in: How to organize e-commerce within your warehouse?


Inventory is increasingly located at several different links in the chain. Therefore, cross-docking and consolidating products from different locations is becoming ever-more important, as is mass customization and assemble-to-order. Furthermore, short response times are required, and a firmer grip on the growing flow of returns.


All these developments are related to e-commerce and will – and must – ultimately have an effect on the logistics within – and hence the design of – your warehouse and/or distribution center. The presentation called “How to organize e-commerce within your warehouse” (Dutch version) explores how the responses to these developments affect how your (e-commerce) warehouse is designed, which parameters there are, and how these influence your decisions about the warehouse concept and storage system.


Click here for the video (Dutch version) WMS als katalysator voor nieuwe bedrijfsmodellen with Groenewout’s contribution.

If you would like more information about this presentation, please contact Groenewout or call tel. +31 (0)76 533 04 40.


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