We are always thinking one step aheadConsulting, Engineering & Optimization in Logistics Networks
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New colleagues at Groenewout
We are pleased to introduce our new colleagues who have recently joined Groenewout’s team of consultants: Petra de Boer and Brenda Klep:
Petra de Boer has a bachelor’s degree in Commercial Economics from Fontys Tilburg and a master’s degree in Business Communication from Tilburg University.
Over the past 15 years, Petra has worked for various logistics service providers, including for the past decade in solution design and as a project manager. This has enabled her to gain valuable expertise in tender procedures and the development and implementation of logistics concepts and warehouse solutions.
At Groenewout, Petra is primarily focused on logistics feasibility studies, the implementation of logistics operational processes, tendering and warehouse mechanization
E: deboer@groenewout.com
T: +31 6 2321 4643
Brenda Klep has a master’s degree in Econometrics & Operational Research from Tilburg University, a minor in Actuarial Science from the University of Amsterdam and a postdoc in Actuarial Science from the Actuarieel Instituut in the Netherlands.
In the two years prior to joining Groenewout, Brenda’s role as a supply chain analyst enabled her to gain valuable experience in performing network optimization studies and setting up horizontal collaborative partnerships in logistics.
Brenda specializes in modeling and analyzing a broad spectrum of logistics processes. In view of her expertise, she is particularly keen to focus on projects related to warehouse design and optimization, distribution networks and inventory and production planning.
E: klep@groenewout.com
T: +31 6 2198 7652