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Inhouseday: students Econometrics & Mathematical Economics visit Groenewout

April 20, 2023 3257 Views

Monday April 17 Groenewout participated in the Asset | Econometrics inhouse day.  Asset | Econometrics is the study association for all students studying the Bachelor Econometrics and Operations Research, or one of the corresponding Master programs Business Analytics and Operations Research, Econometrics and Mathematical Economics (EME), and Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Science at Tilburg University.

Alain Beerens, Willem-Jan Eil and Rob Besten gave the EME-students a taste of supply chain consulting. The morning kicked off with a brief introduction to Groenewout and the consultancy firm’s approach to supply chain projects. The EME-students then set to work on developing a supply chain strategy of their own based on a business case. The morning ended with an informal lunch where the students were also able to meet other other supply chain & logistics experts from Groenewout.