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Guest lecturer on logistics and supply chain-related topics

June 01, 2014 9079 Views

For many years, Groenewout has been participating as a guest lecturer on logistics and supply chain-related topics at various universities, including the VU University of Amsterdam, University of Antwerp, Ghent University and NHTV University of Applied Sciences in Breda.

In the 2nd quarter of 2014, Groenewout’s consultants shared their extensive experience in warehousing and distribution management as a guest lecturer at the VU University of Amsterdam. The presentation provided insight into Logistic Solutions within the World of Online Business, and in particular into which key influencers affect logistics decisions.

Click here if you would like to receive his presentation in full.

If you would like more information about Groenewout’s lectures, please contact Isabel Schouten: schouten@groenewout.com.